The Rybakov Foundation

A private philanthropic organisation established by Igor and Yekaterina Rybakov in 2015 for development of social-educational resources in schools.

The Foundation's mission
The focus of the Foundation's work is the equipping of educational facilities in Russia and the world such that they are fit for purpose; the establishment of a developmental tradition for the societal fabric in its entirety fuelled by its own internal resources.

The realisation of this mission required the adoption and working-out of a conception defined as 'School as the centre of the social fabric', a conception which will open the path towards improved social and teaching resources within the overall educational environment. This vision of educational resources envisages an integrated arena of collective experience available to all within its compass.

Teachers, parents, students, graduates, school directors, governors and partners, are not seen as divided between on the one hand providers of information, skills or services, and on the other consumers. All participate on a level playing field in the creation of a new understanding of education.

The creation of such an environment demands not merely a new way of doing but a new way of thinking – in co-creation, co-acting, co-existing. Towards the realisation of its mission the Foundation has set its goal as: provision of quality education for all.
That is the contribution the Rybakov Foundation makes to the Fourth Aim proclaimed by the Charter of the United Nations.

International Award for philanthropic services to education.
International Association of leading philanthropists in the educational sphere who have given written pledge to make substantial contributions from their assets to the provision of education needs in Russia and the world.
Legal and administrative services for the support and implementation of endowments to schools.
Closed business club for entrepreneurs who have the capacity to influence economic development and to inspire people.
Equium's ambition is to improve the quality of life in society through the development and popular promotion of role models among high-potential entrepreneurs. We are not indifferent to the kind of world our children will inhabit. We devote serious consideration to what we can do today to ensure a better world tomorrow.
Russia-wide programme aimed at developing an entrepreneurial culture among schoolchildren and students.
Association of women championed by like-minded supporters aimed at achieving their goals and realising their potential by means of active engagement.
Support for school teams and teachers repositioning the school at the centre of the societal fabric.
Programme of support and development of pre-school learning, orientated to the child.
Medium for the exchange of pedagogic experience in the sphere of pre-school education, orientated towards the child.
A course jointly promoted by the on-line school of the 'Arrow' Vector Institute and the Rybakov Foundation. It is the first on-line course on computer organisation in the Russian language.
Festivals and training for the teachers of today.